Commercial Reverse Osmosis membrane technology has been present in water filtration and purification for many decades. The process involves pressurizing a feed stream into a series of membranes in order to remove contaminants. The result is a dilute, or permeate, stream that is of superior quality in order to apply to the downstream process. Reverse Osmosis is considered to be the tightest membrane offered and will remove contaminants down to the metal ion.

With current technology, RO membranes are offered in a variety of pore sizes which have a direct effect on the feed pressure required to drive the water across the membrane. In many occasions, low pressure RO membranes will reject the right amount of contaminants at lower pressures and potentially less pretreatment.
RO systems are relatively easy to operate, can be operated remotely, and allow end users to tie into existing controls for complete integration.
- Replace Water softeners
- Reduce chemical usage in boilers
- 95%+ Total Dissolved Solids removal
- Water reuse to reduce overall water usage
- Color, Taste, and Odor Removal
- Heavy Metal and Organics Removal
- Easy to operate
- Small footprint for high throughput
- DAF/MBR Effluent
- Boiler Feedwater
- Drinking Water
- Wastewater Treatment
- Desalination
- Agriculture and Irrigation
Please contact Ellis Corporation to learn more about our experience with membrane technology, reverse osmosis water solutions, and how we can optimize your complete water footprint.